
Friday 12 August 2011

Design Files for Banners, Posters, Pamplets, etc.

Friends, we need to very strongly support Team Anna to get Jan Lokpal Bill.

We need to support from each and every corner of the country. We as IAC Pune Team might not be able to reach each and every corner of Pune. You too may want to support actively but can't do it due to some problems.

Hence, we are sharing some files with you.
Click on the Text below each image to Download

Following are the design files of Banners, Hoardings, Pamplets, Posters, Hand Bills, etc.
The images of each design file is shown.
The files are compressed using Winrar software. You need  to uncompress it using this software.
Click here to download the software.
The design files are with the extension .cdr meaning Corel Draw file. You need to download these files from here and take it to your nearest Flex designer for printing.
Anybody is FREE to use these files for IAC Cause only.
You can use these design files for spreading the message in your area / town / village / society / company,etc

You need to just remember to use these files only for supporting IAC movement

The credits of banners to Mr.Sunil Lal.
For more designs, visit 


25th July 2012 Back Drop
25th July Demand

Jan Lokpal ke Dushman
Pamplet :

Janlokpal :  Hindi  English

IAC Pune July


27th December Backdrop
Rang De Basanti

We are not going home without Jan Lokpal

Here are some posters containing slogans, Funny cartoons , Thoughts, etc which can be used during events of IAC.
There are 75 posters divided into 4 .cdr files.
Due to the large number, the images of the posters cannot be shown. Download any of the 4 files, you will surely find it useful.
Print it in A3 Size.

A3 size posters set 1

A3 size posters set 2

A3 size posters set 3

A3 size posters set 4


India's second freedom movement backdrop English
India's second freedom movement backdrop Hindi
We want Anna's Jan Lokpal English
We want Anna's Jan Lokpal Hindi
Anna CAP
Referrendum in marathi.rar
This Referendum in Marathi contributed by IAC Pune volunteer Mr.Shailesh Hagawane.

I Support.rar
This poster contributed by IAC Pune supporter & designer Mr.
Devdatt Prakash Manjrekar.

10 X 10 Anna Sticker Final.rar
This poster contributed by IAC Pune supporter & designer Mr. Devdatt Prakash Manjrekar.

If you also have some design files mail it to

Thursday 11 August 2011

Promises To Keep

This year, will the PM make the Independence Day speech citizens want to hear?

By : Kiran Bedi
         Mr Prime Minister, allow me to present you with a draft of your Independence Day speech that this country is eager to hear :
         My fellow Indians, i stand here today, on this day of immense patriotism, to ask for redemption. I know that events that have unfolded before us over the last several months do not make any of us proud or indeed happy about our moral compass as a nation that stands shoulder to shoulder with the rest of the world. And while i may be guilty as charged by some of you on not speaking enough about these matters in the past, i do so now with the utmost conviction. 

      First, please allow me the privilege of highlighting some of our achievements since i last spoke to you from the ramparts of this historic monument.
      One, as a result of our social and economic policies, we lifted tens of millions of people above the poverty line.
      Two, as a nation we achieved a world leading growth rate of over 8%.
     Three, FDI inflows reached record levels and major sectors were deregulated further to allow for better productivity and job creation. 

      Four, tele-density, electricitydensity and broadband penetration rose significantly to reach even the remotest areas. Five, as a member of the G20 and the WTO, we increased our leverage with other powers by negotiating significant trade and nuclear agreements for ourselves. Six, women and dalits now form more than a third of our elected representatives, thereby ensuring that their voice is amply heard.        
          While i could go on with the complete list which is quite long given what we can and have accomplished as a nation, i know most of you are concerned that we might wither away the advantage we have come to enjoy because of these very accomplishments.

     As i stand before you today, my fellow countrymen, i feel the pain in your hearts and the wariness of your spirits. Unfortunately, the list of scam-tainted issues is also long. These events have cast such a cloud of aspersion on our achievements as a great nation that they have thrown into doubt even the relevance and sanctity of some of our finest democratic institutions. 
       I am not here to either defend the government or to lay blame at someone else’s door. We have had many occasions to do so and will continue to have many more. 
      I am here to ask you for one more chance at redeeming your faith and trust in these very same institutions as well as newer ones that we intend to create in order to lead our country to its rightful place in the world. While the errors of omission and commission are best left to the investigative agencies and the judiciary to evaluate and act on, i wish to outline my plan for the next 600 days. 

                     One, we will enact a strong and airtight anti-corruption law, which includes effective whistleblower protection and swift justice, that will weed out this menace that afflicts our country. I am painfully aware that this menace has touched each and every one of you in some form. Ours is a democracy of the people and i will ensure that we are proud of what we collectively put out. I will ensure that my office is included in the purview of such a law for i must lead by example. As should every member of every public service in this country of ours.  

     Two, my team shall be available to you via public forums, including the internet, to listen to your feedback and grievances. 

   Three, i shall ensure coordination, due deliberation and timebound decisions amongst all members of my cabinet with full accountability and transparency. All decisions shall stand the test of fairness and professionalism. The common man’s interest shall be the end goal and this intent will never be suspect. 

    Four, to improve governance standards, i have instructed all ministers and bureaucrats to make at least two field visits, one announced and the other unannounced, to their respective constituencies – schools, hospitals, public services, offices, police stations, ration offices, Railways, post and telegraph, passport and the like – to ensure their smooth functioning.  

    Five, my office will review the service delivery mechanisms of each ministry on a quarterly basis to ensure that these are kept honest and efficient. 

    Six, our borders are secure because our defence forces and i will ensure that our safety, security, sovereignty and freedom to live, as we desire, are not compromised in any fashion. Seven, i am thankful to our free although not always fair media for their constant hawk eye on us. I am sure they will be equal partners in the enormous tasks that lie before us. 

    We are a nation of high accomplishments. We have many more milestones to reach. We may not have put a man on the moon yet but we certainly made a woman capable of going to space. And let us each do our part on this road to collective excellence. Let us resolve that you too shall fully comply with the law of our land and deliver on your citizen responsibilities. 

    My fellow countrymen, it is time to reclaim our destiny. And we do not have a moment to waste. I am conscious that my seeking redemption may be construed as admission of poor performance. So be it. I am willing to face your vote of confidence. I am confident that with your renewed trust we shall win together as a nation.
Jai Hind...!!!!

The writer is a former IPS officer and a social activist.

A battle we must not lose

 By - Pritish Nandy

                      Forget Anna Hazare. The Jan Lokpal movement can go to hell for all I care. Let us just look at the issues over which the battle between the Government and us citizens is being fought. And then let’s decide where we want to stand, each one of us, on the issue of corruption.

                  The first question is : Do corruption and bribery hurt you? If they do, do you want a solution? If your answer is yes to both, do you think such a solution lies with an independent authority? Or do you think a corrupt Government can fight corruption on its own, and within its own ranks? If your answer is no to that, then we need to create an independent institution to fight corruption. Right? Well, that’s precisely what Anna is asking for. He is asking for a Lokpal that the Government cannot influence nor manipulate. This is the first battle.

                     The second battle is over four things.
One : Should the Prime Minister come under the purview of the Lokpal? Almost everyone I know thinks he should. A honest Prime Minister wouldn’t care. A dishonest one must be supervised. Or else, we will have cases like Bofors that will never ever be resolved.
Two : Should Members of Parliament come under the Lokpal? I have not met a single person till date who thinks that our MPs are so honest that they need not be supervised. My guess is if a referendum is ever taken, Anna will get a 100% yes to this question, given what people think of our politicians and the standards of probity in public life.
The third question is even more obvious : Do all public servants need to come under the Lokpal? My guess is India’s answer will be yes, yes, yes. Every day, in every area of our life and work, we are constantly harassed, intimidated and extorted by corrupt Government officers. The poorer you are, the worse is the torture. So yes, every public servant, every Government officer must come under the Lokpal.
Question four : Who should give permission to file an FIR against a corrupt judge? If the Lokpal can look into corruption charges against the PM, the MPs and Government servants, isn’t it only logical to expect it to do the same against judges?

            The third and final battle is over an even simpler thing: The Citizen’s Charter. Should every Government office have such a Charter which will clearly state which officer will do what work and in how much time? And should an officer who refuses to do his work in time or asks for a bribe to move a file be punished? The Government says a charter a fine but Government servants must not be penalised if they don’t do their work! Anna believes that officers not doing their work in time amounts to corruption and must face the same treatment. Isn’t it rather obvious what India thinks about this?
             Do we really need a referendum on these simple, basic issues? I seriously doubt it. Every Indian will endorse the idea of a Lokpal as Anna and his team have envisioned it, with the help of thousands of Indians who have contributed online to the process of drafting the bill.
             Yes, there are genuine fears that we should not create yet another monster out there, who will make life more difficult for us than it already is. But even that has been addressed rather adroitly by Anna’s team. It is a complex process, true but it also ensures that the choice is wisely made. And what if there are charges against the Lokpal? Well, there’s a provision there too. You can go straight to the Supreme Court and seek justice out there.
            So why are we arguing so much over this Bill? Why is the Government digging its heels in and refusing to listen to us citizens? Why must Anna go on a hunger strike all over again to press home the point that corruption must be fought back? I guess it’s a question of both ego and fear. No one likes to give up the power they have, and certainly not the Government. In fact, it’s always trying to interfere more and more in our lives, grab more and more authority, more and more space. And fear? Well, I guess we all know the answer to that. This is possibly the most corrupt Government we have ever had. It has good reason to be scared.

Pritish Nandy is an Indian poet, painter, journalist, politician, media and television personality, animal activist and film producer