
Sunday 22 May 2011


  How do we reduce corruption in the government by incentive government employees?
  Interesting idea. But the methodology has to be carefully thought out. We have the culture of corruption. We simply have to monetize it.
  USA is also corrupt?  Not to this extent. Imagine a traffic cop in India with the powers that the cop in the USA has. There if you get a ticket your insurance shoots up. Yet how many cops accept a bribe and let you go? Hardly any. Here it would be 90% with that kind of power ! Insurance rates in India don't even change with tickets received yet cops are so corrupt

  So tackling corruption should be a multiprocessing approach

Step 1) Increase emoluments of government workers like cops and judges etc. Make it so attractive that losing the job is bad news

Step 2) The above can be done thru a system of incentives.

1) Make a percentage payable to the concerned department for every project that is completed on time and within budget. This money will be distributed among those in that office. (This will prevent the wrong contractor being given the job for monetary considerations)
2) Give judges an incentive for each case that is settled within the allotted time
3) Give cops an incentive per 100 FIRs lodged and a bonus for each year where there is less than 1% cases that have not been solved. The bonus is given to that police station where the distinction has been achieved (so there is an incentive both to lodge FIRs and to solve cases). Every Police station has to try its best to meet both criteria

  Now there will still be some Policemen or other government employees who will want more owing to their power and greed.

  So a 'whistle blower' program has to be initiated.
Anyone reporting corruption will be rewarded and the people from that department itself will come forward since they lose a lot  of incentives if one of them is corrupt. Incentives are reduced for departments where corruption has been discovered and not reported by the employees themselves.
 A mandatory five years imprisonment is compulsory for any corrupt worker (apart from seizure of all earnings since inception)
So if more roads are built by the Road Construction department on time and within budget- incentives will accrue to that government department

  Similarly more power plants, airports and ports created, cases solved, crime reduced - more the concerned department earns through incentives. Since these projects have huge values the amount given to the government employees also will be substantial.

  If rules are bypassed the new 'efficient' courts and Police will take over and corruption will be uncovered or 'assumed' to the detriment of that department.
Anonymous websites will enable 'Whistle Blowers' to reveal the corruption of their colleagues secretly. Anti Corruption squads (ACB's) will jump into action to investigate. ACB's will be rated on the number of successful cases handled per year and will be extremely high paid individuals so that their honesty is unquestionable
  This will slowly result in the near elimination of corruption from government. Once this occurs the best people will be attracted to this profession. We will have a new breed of government employees who will be professional and ambitious and efficient.

  Political appointments will cease since  transfers and appointments will be removed from the ambit of politicians.
Without corruption black money will be reduced in the country. Tax collections will surge.
  Politicians will be given a percentage of all incentives given to government employees for election funding. So they will approve more projects. But if they approve useless projects they will lose elections since goonda power will be impossible with the new 'efficient' and independent police.
So the politicians will be careful.
Loans will be forthcoming from anywhere in the world due to the new efficiency of the government. Hence a new breed of honest politicians will emerge.
With the new effective 'delivery' system (owing to better policing and better government services) subsidies can be removed and replaced by discount coupons redeemable in any store. The savings to the nation will be substantial. Even after paying the politicians incentives for election funding the taxes can be reduced.  This is because of the huge reduction in black money supply and the corresponding increase in tax collections.

 The increase in tax collections will more than pay for the increase in payments to government servants thru the incentive system

  The education system also can be rejuvenated thru the incentive system. The greater the number of kids who pass thru the school system the greater the incentives. However the incentives will not be paid if the kids do not pass a simple exam given to all kids.
 This way a public- private partnership can be created which will give companies which 'adopt' schools tax benefits for the number of students who go on to college from their 'adopted' schools.

  This way we can incentive our government and make it a very lucrative and paying job. And make our government more efficient. We can also remove black money and increase tax collections this way. Politicians will be less likely to be corrupt since their election funding is taken care of. They are less likely to use goondas to win elections since the police will not support them anymore. Politicians will focus on thinking of better projects to win elections

But beware those who remain 'corrupt'.

Jail, humiliation and poverty awaits

Imagine a more efficient government and a less corrupt India !

We can do it and become a world superpower !

- Submitted by Onkar Yelurkar  with inputs from Santosh Samuel


  1. Onkar Yellurkar22 May 2011 at 20:16

    Thank you IAC-Pune for appreciating my little work !

  2. Hey, good work Onkar !

  3. Awesome Omi...

  4. This is good on paper. Reality is far away from this. Setting up encounter specialist team without anyone's knowledge is best. That should be done by me, you and we all. Not them

  5. only in Ram-Rajya this could work...
