
Sunday 26 June 2011

Images of the Jan Lokpal awareness drive on 25th June, 2011

These are the images of the Jan Lokpal Awareness drive conducted on the eve of Palkhi in Pune on June 25.
We could reach more than 100000 people.
The response of the people was overwhelming.
It was the biggest event of IAC Pune chapter till date.

Government Lokpal Bill Vs Jan Lokpal Bill: Comparative Chart

Rather than gunning for the corrupt and corruption, government’s Lokpal seems to be gunning for those who complain against corruption.

How will Government’s Lokpal work?

Suppose some citizen files a complaint to Lokpal against some corrupt government servant. Before the investigations actually start, the government servant can file a cross complaint against the citizen straight to the special court, without any preliminary enquiry by any agency, that the complaint is false or frivolous. The government will provide free advocate to the government servant to file this case. The citizen will have to defend himself on his own!
Then there is stiffer punishment for the complainant than the corrupt government servant. If the Special Court concludes that the complaint is frivolous or false, the citizen faces a minimum of two years of punishment. But if the corruption charges against government servant are proved, there is a minimum of six months of punishment for the corrupt government servant!
Government’s Lokpal will have jurisdiction over all NGOs in the country but it will have jurisdiction over less then o.5% of all government employees.
Government argued that the Lokpal would get overwhelmed with too many cases if all public servants were brought under its ambit. So, government has restricted its jurisdiction only to 65,000 Group A officers. Also, state employees will not be covered by Lokpal. There are 4 million central government employees and 8 million state government employees.
In sharp contrast, all NGOs are covered under government’s Lokpal, small or big, whether in state or centre. Even unregistered groups of people in remote villages are covered under the ambit of Lokpal. So, in a remote village, if a group of youngsters detect corruption in panchayat works using RTI, the youngsters can be hauled up by Lokpal but Lokpal would not have jurisdiction over Sarpanch, BDO or their corruption.
Whereas Lokpal would not have jurisdiction over Delhi government officials, it would have jurisdiction over all RWAs in Delhi. All small neighborhood groups who raise donations to do Ramlila or Durga Puja would be under Lokpal’s scanner.
Lokpal could haul up activists from any of the farmers, labour, anti-corruption, land, tribal or any other movements. All the movements – whether registered or not, are under the jurisdiction of Lokpal.
There are 4.3 lakh registered NGOs. But there would be several million unregistered groups across the country. Lokpal would have jurisdiction over all of them.
No one can dispute the fact that corruption in NGOs needs to be addressed. But how can you leave most public servants out of Lokpal’s purview but bring NGOs upto village level within its purview ?


Our view

Government’s view


Prime Minister Lokpal should have power to investigate allegations of corruption against PM. Special safeguards provided against frivolous and mischievous complaints PM kept out of Lokpal’s purview. As of today, corruption by PM can be investigated under Prevention of Corruption Act. Government wants investigations to be done by CBI, which comes directly under him, rather than independent Lokpal
Judiciary Lokpal should have powers to investigate allegation of corruption against judiciary. Special safeguards provided against frivolous and mischievous complaints Judiciary kept out of Lokpal purview. Government wants this to be included in Judicial Accountability Bill (JAB). Under JAB, permission to enquire against a judge will be given by a three member committee (two judges from the same court and retd Chief justice of the same court). There are many such flaws in JAB. We have no objections to judiciary being included in JAB if a strong and effective JAB were considered and it were enacted simultaneously.
MPs Lokpal should be able to investigate allegations that any MP had taken bribe to vote or speak in Parliament. Government has excluded this from Lokpal’s purview. Taking bribe to vote or speak in Parliament strikes at the foundations of our democracy. Government’s refusal to bring it under Lokpal scrutiny virtually gives a license to MPs to take bribes with impunity.
Grievance redressal Violation of citizen’s charter (if an officer does not do a citizen’s work in prescribed time) by an officer should be penalized and should be deemed to be corruption. No penalties proposed. So, this will remain only on paper. Government had agreed to our demand in the Joint committee meeting on 23rd May. It is unfortunate they have gone back on this decision.
CBI Anti-corruption branch of CBI should be merged into Lokpal. Government wants to retain its hold over CBI. CBI is misused by governments. Recently, govt has taken CBI out of RTI, thus further increasing the scope for corruption in CBI. CBI will remain corrupt till it remains under government’s control
Selection of Lokpal members 1. Broad based selection committee with 2 politicians, four judges and two independent constitutional authorities.
2. An independent search committee consisting of retd constitutional authorities to prepare first list.
3. A detailed transparent and participatory selection process.
1. With five out of ten members from ruling establishment and six politicians in selection committee, government has ensured that only weak, dishonest and pliable people would be selected.
2. Search committee to be selected by selection committee, thus making them a pawn of selection committee
3. No selection process provided. It will completely depend on selection committee
Government’s proposal ensures that the government will be able to appoint its own people as Lokpal members and Chairperson. Interestingly, they had agreed to the selection committee proposed by us in the meeting held on 7th May. There was also a broad consensus on selection process. However, there was a disagreement on composition of search committee. We are surprised that they have gone back on the decision.
Who will Lokpal be accountable to? To the people. A citizen can make a complaint to Supreme Court and seek removal. To the Government. Only government can seek removal of Lokpal With selection and removal of Lokpal in government’s control, it would virtually be a puppet in government’s hands, against whose seniormost functionaries it is supposed to investigate, thus causing serious conflict of interest.
Integrity of Lokpal staff Complaint against Lokpal staff will be heard by an independent authority Lokpal itself will investigate complaints against its own staff, thus creating serious conflicts of interest Government’s proposal creates a Lokpal, which is accountable either to itself or to the government. We have suggested giving these controls in the hands of the citizens.
Method of enquiry Method would be the same as provided in CrPC like in any other criminal case. After preliminary enquiry, an FIR will be registered. After investigations, case will be presented before a court, where the trial will take place CrPC being amended. Special protection being provided to the accused. After preliminary enquiry, all evidence will be provided to the accused and he shall be heard as to why an FIR should not be regd against him. After completion of investigations, again all evidence will be provided to him and he will be given a hearing to explain why a case should not be filed against him in the court. During investigations, if investigations are to be started against any new persons, they would also be presented with all evidence against them and heard. Investigation process provided by the government would severely compromise all investigations. If evidence were made available to the accused at various stages of investigations, in addition to compromising the investigations, it would also reveal the identity of whistleblowers thus compromising their security. Such a process is unheard of in criminal jurisprudence anywhere in the world. Such process would kill almost every case.
Lower bureaucracy All those defined as public servants in Prevention of Corruption Act would be covered. This includes lower bureaucracy. Only Group A officers will be covered. One fails to understand government’s stiff resistance against bringing lower bureaucracy under Lokpal’s ambit. This appears to be an excuse to retain control over CBI because if all public servants are brought under Lokpal’s jurisdiction, government would have no excuse to keep CBI.
Lokayukta The same bill should provide for Lokpal at centre and Lokayuktas in states Only Lokpal at the centre would be created through this Bill. According to Mr Pranab Mukherjee, some of the CMs have objected to providing Lokayuktas through the same Bill. He was reminded that state Information Commissions were also set up under RTI Act through one Act only.
Whistleblower protection Lokpal will be required to provide protection to whistleblowers, witnesses and victims of corruption No mention in this law. According to govt, protection for whistleblowers is being provided through a separate law. But that law is so bad that it has been badly trashed by standing committee of Parliament last month. The committee was headed by Ms Jayanthi Natrajan. In the Jt committee meeting held on 23rd May, it was agreed that Lokpal would be given the duty of providing protection to whistleblowers under the other law and that law would also be discussed and improved in joint committee only. However, it did not happen.
Special benches in HC High Courts will set up special benches to hear appeals in corruption cases to fast track them No such provision. One study shows that it takes 25 years at appellate stage in corruption cases. This ought to be addressed.
CrPC On the basis of past experience on why anti-corruption cases take a long time in courts and why do our agencies lose them, some amendments to CrPC have been suggested to prevent frequent stay orders. Not included
Dismissal of corrupt government servant After completion of investigations, in addition to filing a case in a court for prosecution, a bench of Lokpal will hold open hearings and decide whether to remove the government servant from job. The minister will decide whether to remove a corrupt officer or not. Often, they are beneficiaries of corruption, especially when senior officer are involved. Experience shows that rather than removing corrupt people, ministers have rewarded them. Power of removing corrupt people from jobs should be given to independent Lokpal rather than this being decided by the minister in the same department.
Punishment for corruption 1. Maximum punishment is ten years
2. Higher punishment if rank of accused is higher

3. Higher fines if accused are business entities
4. If successfully convicted, a business entity should be blacklisted from future contracts.
None of these accepted. Only maximum punishment raised to 10 years.
Financial independence Lokpal 11 members collectively will decide how much budget do they need Finance ministry will decide the quantum of budget This seriously compromises with the financial independence of Lokpal
Prevent further loss Lokpal will have a duty to take steps to prevent corruption in any ongoing activity, if brought to his notice. If need be, Lokpal will obtain orders from High Court. No such duties and powers of Lokpal 2G is believed to have come to knowledge while the process was going on. Shouldn’t some agency have a duty to take steps to stop further corruption rather than just punish people later?
Tap phones Lokpal bench will grant permission to do so Home Secretary would grant permission. Home Secretary is under the control of precisely those who would be under scanner. It would kill investigations.
Delegation of powers Lokpal members will only hear cases against senior officers and politicians or cases involving huge amounts. Rest of the work will be done by officers working under Lokpal All work will be done by 11 members of Lokpal. Practically no delegation. This is a sure way to kill Lokpal. The members will not be able to handle all cases. Within no time, they would be overwhelmed.
NGOs Only government funded NGOs covered All NGOs, big or small, are covered. A method to arm twist NGOs
False, Frivolous and vexatious complaints No imprisonment. Only fines on complainants. Lokpal would decide whether a complaint is frivolous or vexatious or false. Two to five years of imprisonment and fine. The accused can file complaint against complainant in a court. Interestingly, prosecutor and all expenses of this case will be provided by the government to the accused. The complainant will also have to pay a compensation to the accused. This will give a handle to every accused to browbeat complainants. Often corrupt people are rich. They will file cases against complainants and no one will dare file any complaint. Interestingly, minimum punishment for corruption is six months but for filing false complaint is two years.

Derailing Lokpal in an Exploitative Democracy

By Justice Kamleshwar Nath

“Devil quotes Scriptures”. Look who says: Civil Society undermines Democracy – Government of India’s Chairman of Lokpal Drafting Committee, Mr Pranab Mukherji!
Democracy established by Constitution of India is one of the best in the World; but the People of India, who gave the Constitution to themselves, are reeling under Exploitative Democracy where –
  1. An elected Lok Sabha of 543 MPs has 154 facing criminal cases of which about 50 are for committing heinous offences; and this number has increased with every succeeding election.
  2. Sitting convicted MPs enjoy immunity from Disqualification under Section 8(4) of Representation of People Act 1951, despite peoples’ demand to repeal the Sub-section.
  3. Immunity for conduct in matters related with debates in Houses under Article 105(3) of the Constitution extends to criminal acts, like the infamous Jharkhand Mukti Morcha case of bribe given by the Prime Minister Mr P.V.Narasimha Rao.
  4. The emoluments of an MP are 100-times more than the per capita income of a Citizen, and the emoluments go on increasing by leaps and bounds through self-serving enactments passed in no time.
  5. Launching of prosecution for Corruption (and related crimes) by elected representatives and bureaucrats needs sanction of some executive authority, and the sanction rarely comes.
  6. Anti-corruption measures visualised through an effective Lokpal have been studiously diluted by 9 Bills drafted since 1968 but never passed, the last one being the present Government’s Lokpal Bill 2010 which is the last straw on the back of the Nation in various ways, including ban on the Lokpal to take cognizance of any complaint and certainly not suo motu.
  7. International perception of corruption (2010) of 126 countries through surveys made by 10 independent Internationally reputed institutions like World Bank & IBRD, Bertelsman Foundation, World Economic Forum, Global Insight and Transparency International Berlin, ranks India at 87 with countries like Albania, Jamaica and Liberia at index of 3.3 (out of 10) – continuously falling from 3.5 in 2007 and 3.4 in 2008 & 2009 – while countries having effective Ombudsman Institution like Finland, Denmark, Sweden, USA are ranked between 9.7 and 7.
  8. Series of Scams have topped with CWG Scam and 2G Spectrum Scam of 2010 which involved some Ministers of Govt. of India, confirming the national level of corruption reflected at (7). Black money stashed away in Foreign Banks has risen to 1,546 billion Dollars which far exceeds the aggregate (1056 bn. $) of ‘next four’ countries namely Russia, UK, Ukraine and China (vide Times of India Ahmedabad dt. 8th June 2011).
  9. Violence unleashed by Delhi Police over thousands of peaceful Satyagrahis in the dead of night between 4th and 5th of June last, causing serious injuries to many whose only fault was to be on fast in support of Baba Ram Dev’s call on the Government to get black money indicted at (8) while the Police had given permission to Baba Ram Dev only to hold Yoga camp! Another pretext was that Baba Ram Dev had gone back on his promise to give up fast! Well, this is Pranab Mukherji’s Democracy! A shocked Baba ran for his life and in thoughtless reaction to official brutality announced formation of imaginary volunteer force on some unforeseen period of time to take on the police force when necessary. On the one hand Baba lost his balance due to shock, on the other hand Government lost its balance in sheer anger, born of fear of Peoples’ unification on the Issue of corruption, and on finding Baba’s support from RSS and BJP! And as things unravel from the statements of Pranab Mukherjee, P. Chidambaram, and certain spokespersons of Congress, the Govt. is bent upon using violence not only on Baba but also on Anna Hazare.
Numerous other examples may be catalogued. If this is not Exploitative Democracy, what is it?
   On the moral plane, Govt of India (indeed almost all Governments) run their own model of secularism which excels in Communalism, Casteism, hate for the opponent coupled with ‘divide and rule’. To Indian National Congress, RSS and BJP are the biggest perpetual enemy, shamelessly linking them with the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi despite the fact that they had been cleared by the Court. Religious education in Government educational institutions is prohibited; it is not even substituted by Moral Education of common principles of discipline and good behaviour culled out from all religions in India. The result is growth of generations bereft of morals and ethics – the ever increasing crimes are unfailing signals of that development.
   People have suffered immensely over the last 30 years. It is high time that injustice meted out to the people is remedied of which the first natural step is to eliminate Corruption. The Civil Society is well within its ambitions when it presses upon the Government to enact an effective Lokpal. It has the support of the entire Nation and India-Against-Corruption deserves full-throated praise; Gandhian Seva & Satyagraha Brigade (which floated the concept of Fast), Transparency International India (I believe) and a number of NGOs across the Country have announced their support. Baba Ram Dev too is on the same subject of Corruption; as Anna Hazare said, he is immature added to which is his shocked state due to official violence. He should frankly admit his mistake in being thoughtlessly bold; that will raise his stature in the eyes of people, for acknowledgment of fault is surest atonement of wrong. Even Mahatma Gandhi admitted his “Himalayan Blunder” on Chauri-Chaura episode whereupon he called off his Movement. Government, being what it is, is now linking Hazare and Baba with BJP and RSS, thinking it will justify Government action; but people know better. It is hoped that the crusade against Corruption will go on with added fervour and determination in a non violent, firm and peaceful way. May God be with all crusaders.

Kamleshwar Nath is a Retd Judge, Allahabad High Court and Chairman, Gandhian Seva & Satyagraha Brigade.

Friday 24 June 2011

साकडं घाला माझ्या विठ्ठलाला | जनलोकपाल बिल मिळूदे भारताला ||

An event to request the warkaris to pray to Lord Vitthal to give Jan Lokpal Bill as a 'Vardan' to the people of INDIA to fight corruption.

Event Date :   25th June, 2011.
Location     :  Alandi - Bhosari Phata - Sancheti Chowk - F C Road - Laxmi Road
                    You can join from where you are convenient. 
Time            :  Morning 6:00 a.m to 7:00 pm.
                    You can join at your feasible time & number of hours.

Awareness about JLB through Ashadi Wari - Palkhi.

The following is the list of locations to meet, volunteers, timing & their contact details. You can join at whichever point you are convenient. Please contact the respective volunteers where you want to join.

Alandi  --   6 a.m.    --     Dnyaneshwar Thube    --     9325702149

Nashik Phata    --   7:30 a.m.     --     Diyangg Baldota     --     9595477797

Kamalnayan Bajaj Garden -- 2 p.m   Click Here   for location on Google map.

This is the main place where most of the volunteers will meet. So, please come to this place if possible.
Rajesh Mittal --   9422541040
Bhavesh Bhati -- 8055939233
Dr.Satish --         9823117434

F C Road     --      5:30 pm     --     Priyesh    --        9767077774

Alka Theatre Chowk       --      7 pm      --     Aniket    --     9890864370

More about the event :

A Wari (Dindi) is held every year from Alandi to Pandharpur in the month of June - July.
This is a 1000-year-old tradition, which has been following by the warkaris. People perform collective singing, dancing, chanting 'Dnyanba-Tukaram' and abhangas.

More than 1 Lakh people attend this Wari every year from all the parts of Maharashtra. It also passes through various places in Pune.

The dindi will enter Pune on 25th June via Bhosari Phata.

A unique way has been thought of creating awareness in the masses through this Wari by IAC Pune.

As lot of people will be present there around 20,000 post card size informative card about Jan Lokpal Bill (JLB) will be distributed among the people.

We will be standing on the sides of the road & distributing the cards.

These cards contain Vitthal God's photo and a request to the warkaris to pray to Lord Vitthal to give Jan Lokpal Bill as a 'Vardan' to the people of INDIA to fight corruption.

This is a great opportunity for us to show our support for the JLB in a devotional way.

So, IAC Pune requests your presence on this auspicious event.

Monday 20 June 2011

Meeting Minutes of 19th June gathering at Shaniwarwada.

A meeting was called to create an awareness & discuss the next action plan for increasing support for the IAC movement.

          First, the advantages of Jan Lokpal Bill were discussed in short with the people. Later, the people talked about their personal encounter with corruption. A series of queries were raised by the people on the functioning of Lokpal, the allegations made by government and key issues like inclusion of PM, Judiciary in the ambit of Lokpal. These queries were answered by the IAC Pune volunteers.

From the overall discussion the following conclusion can be drawn :
  • People are angry on the issue of corruption.   
  • The people now also do not believe in the allegations made by the government on the civil society members or the IAC movement.
  • They have started understanding the politics within the government & it's efforts to derail the process of having a strong Anti-corruption mechanism in the country.
  • The government cannot fool the people anymore.

            Talking about the next action plan, a Wari (Dindi) is held every year from Alandi to Pandharpur. 
       This is a 1000-year-old       tradition, which has been following by the warkaris. People perform collective singing, dancing, chanting Dnyanba-Tukaram and abhangas.

More than 1 Lakh people attend this Dindi. It also passes through various places in Pune. The dindi will enter Pune on 25th June. Sighting the large number of people that will be present, it was decided that the awareness about Jan Lokpal Bill(JLB) can be created among the masses by distributing some informative material on JLB there. People present in the meeting gave their committment to volunteer for this event in their convenient time & manner. The detailed information about the event will be mailed via googlegroup & put up on Facebook.   

            Later, a 2 minute silence was observed by all to offer condolence to one of IAC Pune's Volunteer, Mr.Yogesh Pagar who expired on 12th June,2011 in a road accident on Kharadi Bypass road.
           The meeeting ended with Vande Mataram.

To know  more about the event  CLICK HERE
To be informed about the 25th June event and other future events, please send the following SMS from your mobile :
<space> iacpunecity     to 9870807070.
or join us on Facebook :
India Against Corruption - Pune Activists Group

To make your contibution to this event in any way like finance, printing material,etc please contact the following numbers :

Gitesh Devhane   9028485261  
Bhavesh Bhati     8055939233

The following people attended the meet :

Dnyaneshwar Thube, 
Arvind Wagaskar, 
Satish Rajarachikar, 
Meena Ranpise, 
Samyek Dutta, 
Ranjit Godbole, 
Ganesh Pawar, 
Vishwanath Washivale,
Swapnil Malwade, 
Aniket Deshmukh, 
Himanshu Nitnawre, 
Shachi Arkatkar,
Vaibhavi Amin, 
Shailesh Hagawane, 
Sumit Saurav, 
Pravin Bhande,
Kalyani Tiwari, 
Rahul Tiwari, 
Mahadev Mulgaonkar, 
Krishnat Shewale,
Pundlik Wagh, 
Harshal Shivarkar, 
Madhavrao Titame, 
Prashant Tarudkar,
Divyangg Baldota, 
Gitesh Devhane, 
Rajesh Mittal, 
Bhavesh Bhati,
Rahul Rao, 
Deepak Bharadia, 
Yatish Devadiga.

Time for Congress to follow Gandhi's Will

Ashish Tripathi
Ashish Tripathi is a principal correspondent with The Times of India in Lucknow.
   There is no doubt that Baba Ramdev has a political agenda, if not a communal. He has floated a political party and is using corruption as an issue to carve out a political space. But the Yoga guru would have now realised that the politics is the game of scoundrels and that he is no match to the Congress.

   Congress leaders first made Baba speak against Anna Hazare's proposal to include prime minister under the jurisdiction of Jan Lokpal. They also tried to break the unity of team Anna by questioning the induction of father-son duo Shanti Bhushan and Prashant Bhushan in the Lokpal drafting committee, while ignoring Kiran Bedi. Efforts were also made and are being made to discredit the team Anna through CDs, questioning its funding and doubting the efficacy of Lokpal. Team Anna had an inclining about the nefarious designs of Congress leaders, hence it insisted on videography of the committee meetings. But Baba tried to act smart and ended up with egg on his face. Kapil Sibal threw himself to Baba 's feet only to pull the rug from under it later, while Digvijay Singh labeled the movement of Baba and Anna as Sangh Parivar's 'communal conspiracy' to destabilise the UPA government.

   The conduct of Congress leaders and police action against innocent people demonstrating peacefully at Ramlila ground in Delhi has shown how desperately Congress wants to suppress the issues of lokpal, corruption and black money. Some incidents which took place under the UPA government in the past one year can help analyse as to who (in Congress leaders' words) is 'cheat' and 'darmebaz'. On June 11, 2011, over 400 tribal children at Dhinkia in Odisha, while lying on hot sand, formed a human chain to protest against acquisition of 3,700 acres of land for POSCO steel plant which will leave them homeless. The tribals are wondering where is Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi who last year in August, while addressing a rally in the state, assured tribals that he is their 'sipahi' in Delhi but later his government gave 'conditional' nod to the plant but has now washed its hand off saying "it's state government's problem"

   In April this year, a former Supreme Court judge, VR Krishna Iyer wrote to Rahul Gandhi questioning why he is mum over anti-corruption campaign of Anna. The Gandhi scion replied sarcastically that he is fighting corruption quietly and do not want to become a hero by publicising it. The fact, I presume, was that he was aware of his party's strategy to destabilise anti-corruption campaign. Congress's heir apparent obviously wants to become prime minister and not a hero. While Rahul claims that he is fighting against corruption, the people have lost count of scams taken place under his party's government .
   Now sample this: On April 30, 2011, at a Congress's rally at Bundelkhand in UP organised by Rahul, prime minister Manmohan Singh, while announcing a package for the poverty-ridden area, said that he is working as per Sonia ji's 'prerna' (inspiration). The package had nothing but recycling of old announcements.
   On August 14, 2010, five persons, including four farmers , were killed in police-farmer clash at Tappal in Aligarh. Farmers were opposing acquisition of their land at low rates by the UP government for construction of Yamuna Expressway township. On August 25, 2010, Rahul escorted a farmer's delegation from Aligarh to meet prime minister. Farmers demanded amendment in the Land Acquisition Act 1894.

   The prime minister assured that it will be done in the next session of Parliament. But nothing was done. On May 7, 2011, four persons, including two farmers, died at Bhatta-Parsaul in farmer-police clash over land acquisition. On May 20, Rahul again took a delegation of farmers to meet prime ministers. And, farmers got an assurance again. Rahul's allegations that men were burnt alive in the village were found to be untrue. So, is Rahul really concerned about farmers or playing politics?
   Manmohan Singh, on May 24, 2010, had defended telecom minister A Raja on 2G spectrum scam saying "Raja had only followed the policies of the previous BJP led NDA regime." He also said that the case was being probed. But the fact is that the investigations would have not progressed and resulted in Raja's arrest, had the Supreme Court not taken a strict stand on it. Even after Raja's arrest, the prime minister defended his government in Parliament on February 24, 2011. He said that by giving telecom licences at low prices, the government ensured that cell phones were made affordable to the masses. On skipping an auction for the 2G (which as per comptroller and auditor general caused a loss of 1.75 lakh crore to country's exchequer) mobile network licences in 2008, prime minister said, "while the policy was sound , the way it was implemented, I think, gave rise to the problems."

   Sibal took over the telecommunication ministry after Raja's arrest. Initially, he acted as if he would be tough against corruption but later questioned the methodology adopted by the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) in calculating losses in 2G spectrum allocation saying that the CAG was utterly erroneous in pegging the loss at Rs 1.75 lakh crore while awarding airwaves for 2G phone services in 2008. He claimed that there was a zero loss. But later, not only the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) proved Sibal wrong but he was also slammed by the Supreme Court. Again, it was after the Supreme Court struck down the appointment of SV Thomas as the Chief Vigilance Commissioner on March 4, 2011, the prime minister 'realised his mistake' that he was not apprised by the officials about Thomas' credentials. Till then, he chose to overlook all the objections raised by the Opposition parties.

   SC Agarwal, an activist, recently accessed some letters on Commonwealth Games (CWG) under Right to Information. The letters were written between 2006-07 by the then sports minister Mani Shankar Aiyar to prime minister alerting him how money was being squandered by CWG organising committee chief Suresh Kalmadi on unreasonable things which has increased the expenditure of the games to over Rs 20,000 crore. But Manmohan Singh only sent back one liner 'acknowledgements' of the letters. It has also been reported that Aiyer even met prime minister and apprised him about the situation. If Aiyer was so vocal about the affair, it can be safely presumed that Soniaji and Rahulji as well as Sibal-Singh duo were also aware of the scam in making but nothing was done. Kalmadi was arrested in April 2011 following CBI probe but why no action was taken earlier to prevent the scam?

   In January this year, the Supreme Court pulled up the UPA government describing black money stashed abroad as "plunder of the nation" and "a pure and simple theft of the national money". But the government has not done anything substantial so far. The issue of black money and corruption is older than Baba Ramdev. The question is why none of the successive Congress governments or for that matter governments of other parties at the Centre did not act earlier? Political parties have today taken different stands over the issue but I am sure none will stop "plundering of the nation" because most of the politicians and their corporate cronies are involved in it. They know that public memory is short and media can be managed. They also know that people can be manipulated to vote on caste, communal and regional lines in elections. After all, they have doing it successfully for years.

   It's not about corruption alone. Last year, when the issue of price hike was giving UPA government sleepless nights, the Congress introduced women reservation bill in parliament to divert public attention. After few months, when the issue of spiralling inflation cropped up again, Digvijay Singh tried to shift focus through his statement that joint commissioner, Mumbai police, Hemant Karkare, who attained martyrdom during 26/11 Mumbai terror strike, was facing life threat from the saffron terrorists. In fact, price rise, poverty and corruption are also inter-linked. The business community use the black money to fund political parties and later reap rich dividends by manipulating prices, grabbing contracts and financial waivers for business. Governments carry on committing one scam after another because we (privileged class) is also involved in corruption and poor is fighting for its survival.

   Instead of clinging on to the power, I think it's high time for Congress to follow Gandhi's "Last Will And Testament" written on January 29, 1948, a day before his assassination. He was aware of corrupt and opportunist elements making way into the Congress to grab power, hence he wanted Congress to be disbanded and converted into an Lok Sevak Sangh, an association for the service of the people.

   Bapu even prepared the Constitution of the Lok Seval Sangh. Here are some excerpts: "...the Congress in its present shape and form, i.e, as a propaganda vehicle and parliamentary machine, has outlived its use. India has still to attain social, moral and economic independence in terms of its 7,00 thousand villages as distinguished from its cities and towns. The struggle for the ascendancy of civil over military power is bound to take place in India's progress towards its democratic goal. It must be kept out of unhealthy competition with political parties and communal bodies.

   For these and other similar reasons, the AICC resolves to disband the existing Congress organization and flower into a Lok Sevak Sangh...the duty of the Sangh will be to serve its master, the whole of India...Every worker of the Sangh shall be a habitual wearer of khadi made from self-spun yarn and must be a teetotaller...The workers will organise villages so as to make them self-contained and self-supporting through their agriculture and handicrafts, educate the village folk in sanitation and hygiene and take all measures for prevention of ill-health and disease among them... The workers will organise the education of the village folk from birth to death...The Sangh shall raise funds from people and make public all accounts.....The Sangh shall have autonomous bodies – All India Spinners Association, All India Village Industries Association, Hindustani Talimi Sangh for basic education, Harijan Sevak Sangh to serve untouchables, Goseva Sangh for Cow-protection..."

400 लाख करोड़ रुपये वापिस मिलने पर हम अमरीका से भी 30 गुना ज्यादा शक्तिशाली बन सकते है

Note by Navneet Goel   From Group Yuva Bharat
Shared by Sushant Pol.

दोस्तों, कृपया 1 मिनट का समय देकर इसे पढ़ें. अगर आपको लगता है कि बात में सच्चाई है तो यह सन्देश दूसरों को भी फॉरवर्ड करें . 

अन्ना, स्वामी रामदेव या अन्य जो भ्रष्टाचार के विरूद्ध लड रहे है उनसे कांग्रेस क्यों परेशान है, जानिए कारण: 

1) सरकार हर साल लोगों से 134 प्रकार के टैक्स से कितना पैसा जमा कराती है और ये पैसे कहा खर्च हो जाते है?

2) मंदिरों का पैसा सरकार किस मद में खर्च कराती है जिसे सिर्फ हिन्दू दान देकर इकठ्ठा करता है, ये बहुत बड़ा प्रश्न है. 

3) काले धन का इतिहास क्या है, पहले कपिल सिब्बल ने कहा कोई भी नुकसान २ जी घोटाले में नहीं हुआ है, फिर अहलुवालिया ने कहा की हा वास्तव में कोई घोटाला नहीं हुआ है, फिर मनमोहन ने कहा इसकी जाँच चल रही है, विपक्ष को टालते रहे, राजा जैसा आदमी जिसके पास अपनी मोबाइल को टाप अप करने का पैसा नहीं हो, यदि वह अपनी पत्नी के नाम 3000 करोड़ रुपया मारीशाश में जमा कर दे, क्या यह सब बिना सोनिया की जानकारी के कर सकता है, उस पार्टी में जहा पर बिना सोनिया के पूछे कोई वक्तव्य तथाकथित प्रवक्ता नहीं दे सकते है, 

4) फिर आया महा घोटाला देवास-इसरो डील का जिसमे की 205000 करोड़ की बैंड विड्थ को मात्र 1200 करोड़ के 10 साल के उधार के पैसे में दे दिया गया, भला हो सुब्रमनियम स्वामी जी का जिन्हें इन चोरो को नंगा कर दिया, हमारी कांग्रेसी और विदेशी मिडिया सुब्रमनियम स्वामी की तस्वीर हमेशा से गलत पेश किया है जब की वास्तव में भारत देश को ऐसे ही इमानदार नेताओ की जरुरत है जिसने कभी भी चोरी के बारे में सोचा ही नहीं, 

5) फिर आया कामनवेल्थ खेल का 90000 करोड़ का घोटाला, फिर कोयला का घोटाला जिसमे ठेकेदारों द्वारा 10 पैसे प्रति किलो के भाव से कोयला खरीदा जाता है और उसे बाजार में 4 रुपये किलो तक बेचा जाता है, यह रकम अब तक 26 लाख करोड़ होती है, 

6) इटली के 8 बैंक और स्वीटजरलैंड के 4 बैंको को 2005 में भारत में क्यों खोला गया है और इसमे किसका पैसा जमा होता है, ये बैंक किसको लोन देते है और इनका ब्याज क्या है, इनकी जरुरत क्यों आ पड़ी भारत में जब की भारत के ही बैंकरों की बैंक खोलने की अर्जियाँ सरकार के पास धूल खा रही है, इन बैंको को चोरी छुपे क्यों खोला गया है, इन बैंको आवश्यकता क्यों है जब भारत में 80% लोग 20 रूपया प्रतिदिन से भी कम कमाते है. 

7) भारत के किसानो से कमीशन लेने वाले चोर कत्रोची के बेटे को अंदमान दीप समूह में तेल की खुदाई का ठेका क्यों दिया गया 2005 में, किसने दिया ठेका, किसके कहने पर दिया ठेका, क्या वहा पर पहले से ही तेल के कुऊ का पता लगाकर वह स्थान इसे दे दिया गया जैसे की बहुत बार खबरों में अन्य संदर्भो में आती है, यह खबर क्यों छुपाई गयी अब तक, इसे देश को क्यों नहीं बताया गया, मिडिया क्यों इसे छुपा गई, और विपक्ष ने इसे मुद्दा क्यों नहीं बनाया. 

8) सरकार ने पहले कहा की बाबा बकवास कर रहे है, काला धन नाम की कोई चीज नहीं है, फिर खबर आयी की काला धन है और सबसे ज्यादा भारतीयों का है, यह स्विस बैंको के आलावा 70 और दुसरे देसों में जमा है, 

9) सरकार ने कहा की टैक्स चोरी का मामला है, हम उन देशो से समझौते कर रहे है, जिससे की दोहरा कर न देना पड़े, यह टैक्स चोरी नहीं भारत देशको लूट डालने का मामला है 

10) फिर बात आई की यदि ये भ्रष्टाचारी और लुटेरे इसमे से 15% टैक्स सरकार को दे तो इसे भारत के बैंको में जमा करने दिया जायेगा और किसी को यह हक़ नहीं होगा की वह पूछे की या इतना पैसा कैसे कमाया या लूटा. सरकार इस पर एक कानून क्यो नही ला रही है, किसको बचाया जा रहा है?

11) यूरिया घोटाला है और यूरिया किसान को दुगुने दाम बेचा जाता है, फिर गेहू सस्ते में खरीदा जाता है, हम अभी तक सुरक्षित अन्न भण्डारण की व्यवस्था क्यों नहीं बना पाए जब की हमारे पास धन की कमी ही नहीं है, क्योकि अन्न को सडा दिखाकर उसे कौड़ियो के भाव शराब माफिया को बचा जाता है जब की गरीब अन्न बिना मर रहा है। 

12) हमारे देश में क्यों अनुसन्धान के लिए पर्याप्त पैसा नहीं दिया जाता है, यह कीसकी चाल है, जिसकी वजह से हम 5-10 गुना दाम में विदेशी चीजे खरीदते है, क्या कारण है की हमारे देश में एक भी सोलर ऊर्जा वैज्ञानिक नहीं है और दुनिया भर के परमाणु वैज्ञानिक है जो हमें हमेशा झूठा अश्वाव्हन देते है की यह परमाणु बिजली सस्ती और निरापद है भारत की परमाणु से सम्बंधित कुल बाजार 750 लाख करोड़ का होगा. जब की हम भारत में 400000 मेगावाट सोलर बिजली बना सकते है, 

13) ऐसे कौन से कारण है जिनके कारन हम नेहरू के द्वारा ट्रांसफर अफ पॉवर अग्रीमेंट 14 अगस्त 1947 को दस्तखत करने के बाद भी आज तक विक्सित नहीं बन पाए, जब की हमारी जनता हफ्ते में 90 घंटा काम करती है जबकि कामचोर अंग्रेज हफ्ते में सिर्फ 30 घंटा काम करते है, 

14) क्या कारण है की हमारे 45 रुपये में 1 डालर और 90 रुपये में 1 पौंड मिलाता है, जब की 1947 में 1 रुपये में 1 डालर मिलता था. 

15) मीडिया को निष्पक्ष बनाने के लिए सरकार क्या कदम उठा रही है, मिडिया , टीवी और पत्रिकाए सरकार को बिक जाती है और निराधार और झूठ को भी सच बताकर प्रस्तुत करती है। 

16) अगर देश में 2 लाख करोड़ रुपये की नकदी सर्कुलेशन में है तो देश की अर्थव्यवस्था करीब 100 लाख करोड़ रुपयों की होती है. और हमारे देश में रिजर्व बैंक अबतक लगभग 18 लाख करोड़ रुपयों के नोट छाप चुका है और कमसे कम 10 लाख करोड़ रुपये सर्कुलेशन में है. इस हिसाब से देश की अर्थव्यवस्था करीब 400 से 500 लाख करोड़ रुपये होनी चाहिए लेकिन अभी हमारी अर्थव्यवस्था केवल 60 लाख करोड़ की है. जबकि इतनी अर्थव्यवस्था के लिए दो लाख करोड़ से भी कम सर्कुलेशन मनी की जरूरत है. 

17) अगर 400 लाख करोड़ रूपये का काला धन देश में वापिस आ जाता है तो देश की अर्थव्यवस्था करीब 20,000 लाख करोड़ रुपये होगी ... क्या आप जानते हैं कि इस समय अमेरिका सबसे शक्तिशाली देश है और उसकी अर्थव्यवस्था करीब 650 लाख करोड़ की है... मतलब 400 लाख करोड़ रुपये वापिस मिलने पर हम अमरीका से भी 30 गुना ज्यादा शक्तिशाली बन सकते है

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Updates from the meeting of 15th June of the joint committee

        The government’s intentions became very clear today. It wants to kill Lokpal before it is born. They want to create a Lokpal without any administrative or investigative machinery – an emaciated and disempowered Lokpal.
         Government says that it would be an eleven member body. Benches of these eleven members would take all decisions. Government says that Lokpal would have powers to receive public grievances from ordinary people. So, if an income tax officer demanded a bribe to give an income tax refund in Bangalore, the citizen will have to make a complaint to the eleven member body in Delhi and come to Delhi for hearings. “There would be thousands of complaints from across the country. How will these eleven members deal with it?” asked civil society members. The government did not reply. They just announced their decision. This is a sure way of killing Lokpal before it was born. We wanted a Lokpal with officers working under it at district level, who would have powers to deal with cases at local level. Government refuses to accept that model.
          It was clear today that the government had already made up its mind. The talks were just a formality. Inside the committee, the civil society members keep arguing strenuously on each point and the government ministers simply announce their decisions, even if they do not have arguments.
          In the end, the government nominees suggested that we bring our version of Lokpal Bill in the next meeting, they would bring their version of Lokpal Bill. In the next meeting, they would see whether there could be consensus on any more issues. Finally two Bills will be sent to the Cabinet.
         We demanded copies of audio tapes of the proceedings so far. They refused. We said that we were committee members and should have a right to take copies of audio tapes of the proceedings. They said they could consider it after all the meetings were over. We said – “do you promise to give us copies of all tapes in the last meeting?” Again they were non-committal. It is really surprising why is the government hesitating in making the discussions public? Perhaps the world would come to know that the government has vetoed on practically all points without having any valid arguments.

Sunday 5 June 2011

Make our ‘kings’ answerable to people


    “Once upon a time, there was a king…” Haven’t we all grown up listening to such stories? I don’t think any of us read stories that went – “Once upon a time, there was a democracy, with elected representatives who were answerable to the people through the electoral process, the courts and the Lokpal.”
    We know the first line well. We don’t know how it works in the second line at all. Therein lies the problem in pushing through the Lokpal Bill.
    We Indians know something is wrong with our system. Yet, we find change unsettling. People came together in the Anna Hazare-led anti-corruption movement and led it to victory. However, when we sat down to draft the Lokpal Bill, apprehensions set in, caused by the personal attacks on the drafting committee members, the projected worst-case scenarios on what could go wrong and how the Lokpal himself could become corrupt. Some intellectuals called the movement an attack on democracy.
    Enjoying the citizens’ insecurities and confusion, the government decided to do what it does best—hoodwink us. The latest salvo from it is that MPs and the PM should be kept out of the bill’s purview, which in turn renders the bill impotent and pointless even before it is enacted.
    Let’s step back to the basics. Neither the movement, nor the bill is an attack on democracy. In fact, the movement was a catalyst and the bill gives Indian democracy its proper form. Right now, we are not truly a democracy, irrespective of what your civics teacher taught you in school. We are closer to an elected monarchy, or kingocracy. We elect our leaders, and give them all the powers in the world. If they do any wrong, the only people who can investigate them are among the ones who report to them. In other words, they are not political leaders; they are little kings (complete with shoe-polishing sycophants and traffic-blocking privileges).
    There is a reason why we have such a system. For thousands of years, India had only kings. Then the British came, ruled us for 250 years, and left behind democracy-like parliaments, courts and governance systems. However, ultimately, India was a colony run by British leaders with absolute power. In this system, having a people’s representative ombudsman, or Lokpal, was out of question.
    The British left, and our own elected leaders replaced them. The election was a good thing. However,the chairs they sat on had absolute power. Everyone reported to them, and they didn’t need to answer to anyone. Thus began a legacy of corrupt leaders, who in turn created one of the most corrupt nations on earth. The corruption seeped down to lower levels of power. From traffic cops to oppressive husbands — abusing power in India became normal.
    The absolute power given to our politicians often attracted the least ethical and most dishonest people to the profession. The Indian politician became a shady villain in our movies and popular culture. We accepted there was no way out. Rulers had to be kings, and kings could do whatever they wanted.
    Corruption rose to astronomical levels, while the country remained poor. Indians lacked basic infrastructure, education and food, and faced massive inflation even as politicians swindled thousands of crores. Yet, nobody could lodge an FIR against them, or independently investigate them. People finally became sick of it and took to the streets. Before it turned ugly, the government buckled and agreed to a Lokpal Bill.
    But then came the skeptics. They asked ‘how dare we question the king’? Who is this commoner Anna or Arvind Kejriwal to draft a law? What are they seeking? Are they trying to be king?
    The government loved this skepticism. They proposed the bill shouldn’t apply to MPs. And since we Indians love kings so much, we actually have a section of people sympathizing with the government.
    The government agreed to Anna’s terms to make him end his fast (and the movement). Now it’s trying to scuttle the process. For what is the point of a Lokpal if the politicians are not included in the bill’s purview? What’s more, some media members are actually giving credence to the government’s point of view. They ask ‘what if the Lokpal harasses an MP’? I wish to ask ‘should the MP’s conduct be exempt from being questioned in the media too’? Should a TV channel not report wrongdoings of a politician? If you hold a public post, why can’t a public body question you? By the same logic, should you be unanswerable to the courts as well? Does the fact that a few hundred thousand people voted for you give you the right to steal’?
    The Lokpal is only an investigative and prosecution authority. It doesn’t pass judgments, proclaim people guilty, or punish them. Yes, it should have the right to investigate anyone, just as the police have over common citizens. At the same time, there are rights in place for citizens that the police don’t abuse. Similar provisions can be in place for politicians. For instance, a certain amount of evidence may be required to do a full-blown inquiry.
    If we let the government hoodwink us, we will lose a golden chance to make our country a proper people’s democracy. The ‘absolute power’ model doesn’t work. It has kept India poor since Independence, while other nations have progressed.
     We must not fear change. In fact, we must fight to change this faulty system, and take to the streets again if required. After all, the British didn’t leave us after one Jantar Mantar demonstration. Either the government agrees to a proper Lokpal Bill (which, in all sanity, they should), ensure no one is above the law, or we wait for Anna’s signal to hit the streets again. 

Jai Hind.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Feeding On False Fears

Criticism that the Lokpal will become a Frankenstein’s monster is overblown

  By - Prashant Bhushan
Ever since the joint drafting committee for the Lokpal Bill was formed, many issues have been raised about the proposed Lokpal by several persons, some of whom are highly respected. The criticism by some people, including some sections of the media, has however been irresponsible. It is said that the Bill makes a mockery of democracy and seeks to create a ‘Supercop’ which could turn into a Frankenstein’s monster. When such criticism is made by respectable people and run as a campaign by sections of the media, it is natural for innocent citizens who are not familiar with the issues to become confused and start wondering if there are indeed serious problems with the Bill. 

   These critics are saying that the Lokpal has been given draconian powers of contempt, search and seizure, laying traps, telephone interceptions, and attaching assets of public servants. But these powers are vested with all investigative agencies and are essential for effective investigation. The difference is that the Lokpal will not need the authorisation of the home secretary for tapping telephones. The Lokpal, being an independent multi-member authority selected by a transparent and broad-based selection process whose functioning will also be transparent, is a much safer body than the home secretary to be entrusted with this power. The power of contempt is required to ensure that the orders of the Lokpal are complied with. The power of freezing assets of public servants and their abettors which have been acquired by corrupt means is essential if those assets are to be recovered. This is a lacuna with the existing law that the Lokpal Bill will seek to plug.
It has also been alleged that the Lokpal will be the investigator, prosecutor and judge, all rolled into one. Such criticism arises from a gross misunderstanding of the Bill. The Lokpal will have an investigative wing and a prosecution wing under its administrative and supervisory jurisdiction. If, at the end of the investigation, the investigative wing finds that a corruption offence has been committed, it will send the case to the prosecution wing which will prosecute the case before the special courts which will be part of the normal judiciary. The special courts will not be under the Lokpal. The Lokpal will only periodically assess how many such courts are required to complete the trial of corruption cases expeditiously and the government will be required to set up that many special courts. One of the serious problems today in bringing corrupt people to book is that the prosecutors being under the control of the government often compromise the case. And the inadequate number of courts to try such cases allows them to drag on for years during which time witnesses become unavailable or get compromised.
Concern has also been raised about what will ensure the integrity of the Lokpal itself. The Bill seeks to address this by providing several layers of checks. In the first place, the Bill requires that the entire functioning of the Lokpal machinery be totally transparent. It will be required to put the entire record of any investigation on its website. Any complaints against the investigation or vigilance officers can be made directly to the Lokpal or to an independent complaints authority to be set up in each state. These authorities would be required to expeditiously decide complaints against the vigilance officers in public hearings to ensure transparency. Complaints against Lokpal members could be made to the Supreme Court where five senior judges would, if they found a prima facie case of misconduct, constitute a bench to inquire into the complaint. Moreover, the Lokpal’s orders would be subject to judicial review before the high court or the Supreme Court. These measures should make the Lokpal and its officers sufficiently accountable.
Some respectable retired officials have raised concerns about the proposal to bring the CBI and Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) under the Lokpal, and want them to be left out. But the entire raison d’etre for an independent and empowered Lokpal is because the CBI is controlled by the very government whose senior officials it is required to investigate. That is why it cannot function independently. It has also become corrupt since it is not accountable to any independent body. The CVC enjoys mainly recommendatory powers which are frustrated by the government often not accepting its recommendations. Moreover, CVC members are selected by a committee comprising the prime minister, home minister and leader of the opposition, all of whom have a vested interest in having weak or pliable officers for a body which can investigate them. That is why they need to be brought under an independent, empowered and accountable Lokpal.
Corruption in India has assumed such proportions that it robs public resources, distorts and undermines development and threatens democracy itself. It must be tackled urgently by creating a strong, empowered, independent and accountable anti-corruption institution. That is what the Lokpal Bill seeks to do. We must remain firm in our resolve and steadfast in our course. This is one of the decisive battles of our times which, if lost, would consign us to becoming a banana republic and a mafia state.
The writer is a senior Supreme Court advocate and a member of the Lokpal Bill joint committee.

भ्रस्टाचार मिटाओ सत्याग्रह

This poem is a creation of Mr.Ravinder Kumar.

सभी श्रोताओं को रविंदर कुमार का नमस्कार
दोस्तों , आने वाली 4 जून 2011 से स्वामी राम देव जी, लाखो देश भक्त  लोगों के साथ  दिल्ली के राम लीला मैदान में अनिश्चितकालीन अनशन पर बैठने वाले हैं . इस आन्दोलन का नाम है "भ्रस्टाचार मिटाओ सत्याग्रह"

इस आन्दोलन को शुरू  करने के क्या कारण और उद्देश्य है आईए एक हिंदी कविता के द्वारा सरल और रोचक भाषा में समझने की कोशिश  करते हैं
तो प्रस्तुत है कविता "आन्दोलन का एजेंडा ?"

जाग उठे हैं लोग देश में, आंधी चलने वाली है
भूख और भ्रष्टाचार में डूबी, रात गुजरने वाली है

चार जून को राम देव जी, दिल्ली को ललकारेंगे -
हम भी बाबा साथ तुम्हारे , लाखों लोग पुकारेंगे

लाखों लोग करेंगे अनशन, ऐसी क्या मज़बूरी है  -
जो नहीं जानते गौर करे , ये मुद्दे बहुत जरुरी है

दुनिया के बाकि देशों में, नहीं चलते नोट हजारी है -
क्यों भारत में हैं बड़े नोट , भारत की क्या लाचारी है

बड़े नोट ही नकली छपते , छोटे नोटों में घाटा है -
नकली नोट का देश में आना , अपने मुहं पर चांटा है

भ्रस्टाचारी के घर दफ्तर , रेड जहाँ भी मारी है -
रजाई , गद्दे , तकियों  तक से , निकले नोट हजारी है

बड़े नोट गर बंद किये तो , आतंकी खुद मर जायंगे -
नकली नोट नहीं होंगे, तो बन्दूक कहाँ से लायेंगे

बड़े नोट बंद करवाना , नहीं मुद्दा कोई निराला है -
हुआ तीन बार भी पहले , ये फिर से होने वाला है

बड़े नोटों को बंद करो , ये पहली  मांग हमारी है -
पड़ा जो इसकी खातिर मरना , इसकी भी तयारी है

फिर ना समझना बेवकूफ है  - , जनता भोली भाली है -
जाग उठे हैं लोग देश में, आंधी चलने वाली है
भूख और भ्रष्टाचार में डूबी, रात गुजरने वाली है

आजादी के बाद देश को, नेता इतना लूट गए -
खादी से विश्वाश के अपने , धागे सारे टूट गए

भ्रष्टाचारी नेता अधिकारी , भारत को खाते जाते हैं
लूट लूट के देश का पैसा , स्विस बैंक पहुंचाते हैं

स्लम डोग हम  कहलाते  , गिनती होती कंगलो में -
क्योंकि, 400 लाख करोड़ खा गए नेता , पिछले पैंसठ सालो में

जहाँ डाल डाल पर सोने की  चिड़िया  करती थी बसेरा -
वहां भूख के कारण एक मिनट में , मरते लोग है तेरह

भूख तोडती लोगों के धरम , धर्य , ईमान को -
नक्सलवादी बना दिया , भूखे मरते इंसान को

स्विस बैंक में जमा खजाना जब वापस जायगा  -
अर्थ व्यवस्था चमकेगी , हर भूखा खाना खायेगा

बिल को पास करो , जो काले धन को लायेगा
जब पैसा वापस जाएगा , हर गाँव करोडो पायेगा

रुपया आसमान में होगा , कीमत पर इतराएगा
डॉलर उसका होगा चाकर , पैर दबाने आएगा

लोकपाल जनता की लाठी , मारो तो आवाज भी है -
जाँच सभी की हो चाहे , देश का वो सरताज भी है

लोकपाल कमजोर बने , ये दाळ ना गलने वाली है -
जाग उठे हैं लोग देश में, आंधी चलने वाली है
भूख और भ्रष्टाचार में डूबी, रात गुजरने वाली है

अंग्रेज गए जब भारत से , आजादी हमको सोंप गए
जितने भी  क़ानून थे काले , सारे हम पर थोप गए

पुराने कानूनों में से  कुछ उदाहरण देखे :-

कहने को आजाद है भारत , पर क़ानून पुराने है
भट्ठा और परसोल के किस्से , सब लोगों ने जाने हैं

और पुलिस एक्ट , और जाने कितने क़ानून यहाँ
भारत माँ के स्वाभिमान का , हर दिन करते खून यहाँ

फसलों की कीमत आज के दिन भी , तय करते अधिकारी है
इनकम  टैक्स के भेद समझना , सर दर्द बड़ा ही भारी है

बड़ी कंपनी ठेका लेकर , जंगल के जंगल साफ़ करे
एक पेड भी आप ने काटा , क़ानून कभी ना माफ़ करे

ऐसे हजार क़ानून पुराने , जनता आज भी झेल रही -
और सरकारें   बैठ मजे से , 2 जी 3 जी खेल रही

न्याय नहीं है न्यायालों में ,       जब भी माँगा तारीख मिली -
भोपाल कांड एक बड़ा उदाहरण , ना सजा मिली ना सीख मिली

साढ़े तीन सो साल लगेंगे, पैंडिंग केस निपटने में
न्याय व्यवस्था बुरे हाल में,   देखा सारे ज़माने ने

क्यों हमे खिलाये जाती है, विकसित देशो की  बैन दवा
क्यों नकली दवा के सौदागर , कभी पाते कोई सजा

क्यों करदाता के खर्चे पर , आतंकी बिरयानी खाते हैं
क्यों उन्हें जवाई बना कर के , हम खुद साले बन जाते हैं

फाँसी  का कानून बने, जो कोई भ्रष्टाचार करे -
मिलावट करने वालों को , और जो कोई बलात्कार करे

ऐसे सख्त कानून बिना , अब बात ना बनने वाली है  -
जाग उठे हैं लोग देश में, आंधी चलने वाली है
भूख और भ्रष्टाचार में डूबी, रात गुजरने वाली है

छोटे उद्श्यों में फंस कर , ना जीवन बेकार करो -
करोड़ भूखे हैं हर दिन , उनका थोडा विचार करो

चुपचाप बैठ के अपने घर में , ना सिस्टम पर क्रोध करो
या बाबा के साथ में आओ , या उनका  विरोध करो

गर समझो बाबाजी ठीक कहैं
सच भी होकर निर्भीक कहैं

बाबा हम भी साथ तुम्हारे , जब नि`कले मुख से ये बोल -
टोल फ्री एक नंबर ले लो , कर देना उस पर मिस कोल

अब  उठो समर्थन दो उनको  , वर्ना देश प्रेम ये जाली है -
जाग उठे हैं लोग देश में, आंधी चलने वाली है
भूख और भ्रष्टाचार में डूबी, रात गुजरने वाली है
वन्दे मातरम ||   वन्दे मातरम  ||  वन्दे मातरम ||   वन्दे मातरम  ||  वन्दे मातरम

इस आन्दोलन का समर्थन करने के लिए  022 33 08 11 22 नंबर (टोल फ्रीपर मिस कॉल करे  व्  
नवीनतम जानकारियों के लिए  पर ज्वाइन करे

रचियता - रविन्द्र  कुमार  [19 मई 2011]