
Sunday 26 June 2011

Images of the Jan Lokpal awareness drive on 25th June, 2011

These are the images of the Jan Lokpal Awareness drive conducted on the eve of Palkhi in Pune on June 25.
We could reach more than 100000 people.
The response of the people was overwhelming.
It was the biggest event of IAC Pune chapter till date.


  1. I think once the swiss bank account seized and if the same money comes to india we will be richer than all developed countries.

  2. As we aLL know that Annaji has kept some conditions for Swami Ramdev to Joint the agitation on 16th.

    I feel this is wrong and we should not discriminate among the people who are fighting for the same cause.

    Annaji and team please consider.

  3. yogesh Karkhanis1 July 2011 at 13:17

    Annaji should now that people in center dont want Annaji & Swami Ramdev to come together as this will keep the strugle divided and it will be easy for the Government to demolish it every time as the did it at Ramlila Maidan.

    I think even today that if Annaji would have joined Swami ramdev on Ramlila maidan the scenario would have been positive.

  4. Yogesh karkhanis1 July 2011 at 13:18

    Jai hind.

  5. Even if both Anna and Ramdev baba are fighting for the same cause, their approach is different.
    Anna is going in a well structured way with the support of others like kiran bedi, Arvind Kejriwal,etc but it seems Baba wants to lead all alone. He did not keep informed about his activities to team Anna or the public. But team Anna kept the public informed about all activities.
    So, i feel the Anna way is right.
    Baba Ramdev has created a lot of problems after the drafting committee was constituted. So, he should stick to as instructed by Anna to avoid problems in future.

  6. आयुष्यात प्रथम देश्यासाठी काहीतरी करण्याची संधी चालून आली आहे. माझे पूर्ण समर्थन आहे. देश्यातल्या १२० कोटी लोकांपर्यंत हा संदेश गेला तर लोकपाल पारित होण्यापासून संपूर्ण जगातील सरकारे एकत्र आली तरी रोखू शकत नाहीत.

    सिर्फ कहनेसे देखनेसे या सुननेसे कुछ नाही होगा. अब कुछ करनेका वक्त आ गया है . और याह मौका अगर गावा देंगे तो नाजाने कितने साल और पारतंत्र मे गुजरने होंगे मेरी India Against Corruption से दरख्वस्त है की आप ऐसी काम कि सूची जरी कर दे की जो एक आम आदमी बिना कोई ताख्लीफ के आसानीसे कर सके और ये भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ की लडाई और आच्छे ढंग से लडी जा सके आम आदमी के देखणे सुनने और बोलणे से कुछ बात नाही बनेगी हर एक के मन मे आता है की मै कुछ करणा चाहता हु लेकीन वो सोचता है की मै क्या कर सकता हु तो वो निराश हो जाता है कयुन्की वो खुद को अकेला समझता है आप कहते है की आप उनके साथ है लेकीन आप साथ होणे से भी बात नाही बनेगी कयुन्की हमे तो ये भ्रष्टाचार को मिटाना है तो सबको लडना पडेगा सीरीफ एक दुसरेका साथ देणे से बात नही बनेगी सब एक साथ लडेगे तो हि कूच हो सकता है सिर्फ मै आपके साथ हु काहनेसे अगर बात बनती है तो अब तक बात बन जनी चाहिये थी जरा सोचीये और लढाई को और तेज बनानेकी जरुरत है कूच कदम जरूर उठाएयेगा !
    mohan garje

  7. yogesh Karkhanis4 July 2011 at 11:04

    Dear friend
    Baba Ramdev was informing for more then 2 months and requesting people to joint the agitation.

    this people are divided on only one thing that is the Fundamental & secularist ideologies.

    Baba ramdev shared his stage with many spiritual gurus and not alone.

    This differences will not make this struggle go any further.

    As you all know even Anna has changed his strategies recently by visiting politicians and convincing them individually where as this politicians where driven away from the Jantarmantar while his fast was going on.
